Serve against wall

Tactical Problem: Serving ball against wall so that it comes back to you
Skill development: Proper basic technique of the underhand serve

  • everyone get ball and find open spot by wall
  • stand ~5 meters away from wall
  • aim for a certain spot/line on wall (~head height) 
Teaching Points:
  • Why do you want to hit the ball upwards?
  • open palm
  • face wall with feet shoulder width apart
  • lead with opposite foot as serving hand
  • contact ball below waiste and infront of body
  • How many times can you consecutively hit ball above line without having to move to retrieve the ball after service
Force Generation: 

Step and contact wall out of hand below waiste

Follow Through:

Extend arm out and point at target area, 
flight of ball


Organizational Points: 
  • show proper technique to class 1st (hand positioning and foot work) before task #1